Avoid these mistakes as an escort model
Eight missteps you should definitely avoid:
1. unpunctuality: an unfortunate start
Being late is not only rude, it can also have a negative impact on the entire date. Clients expect you to be reliable and turn up on time. Planning is key. Factor in traffic, parking and unforeseen events to allow at least a 30-minute buffer. A bad start can affect the entire experience.
2. smoking: The stench of the no-go
Smoking can be a real dealbreaker. Many customers are sensitive to cigarette smoke, be it in their breath, hair or clothing. To avoid embarrassing situations, be honest about your smoking habits and communicate them with your agency and your client.
3. excessive thirst: stay sober and controlled
An aperitif with the client may be fine, but don’t overdo it with the alcohol consumption. As an escort model, you must always keep a clear head. Order a bottle of water at dinner and add a few ice cubes to your wine. Avoid trying to emulate your client when it comes to alcohol consumption.
4. unnaturalness: naturalness is the trump card
Clients prefer natural-looking escort ladies. Cosmetic procedures, excessive make-up or flashy clothing are often a no-go. Naturalness is the trend. You don’t have to change your appearance with cosmetic surgery to be successful. Be authentic and genuine.
5. wrong topics of conversation: Discretion is golden
Avoid personal questions about relationship status, family or private problems unless the customer brings up the subject themselves. Customers are looking for an escape from their everyday lives and don’t want to deal with personal problems. Be discreet and respect the privacy of your customers.
6. ignore customer wishes: Individuality counts
Some clients have specific preferences, be it for clothing, make-up or accessories. Successful escort ladies take these wishes into careful consideration. Follow the requirements and wishes of your clients to provide a customised experience.
7. Perfume: Subtle is classy
Avoid being heavily perfumed. The client may have a partner who is unaware of their interest in escort ladies. Subtle fragrances are a safe choice to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
8. running metres: Be prepared
As an escort model, you should always be prepared. A tiny tear or run in your stockings can ruin the perfect look. Carry spare stockings in your handbag and treat them with care. In an emergency, hairspray can help prevent runs.

My conclusion
Of course, we are all human and therefore not infallible. The most important thing is that we have the strength to recognise our mistakes and learn from them. If you are late, politely apologise to the customer instead of blaming others. This shows maturity and self-reflection. Try to avoid these 8 mistakes to make your journey as a high-class escort model a successful one. Always remember that professionalism, authenticity and respect for your clients are the pillars of your success.
Your Mija

Mija Wagner
Mija has been working in the escort service sector for 10 years and loves her job. She especially appreciates the contact with the clients and the wonderful ladies who are part of her team.
Contact: mw@mija-service.de